
Example 1: Four Column Page with Single Level Navigation

What It Is

Navigation refers to any persistent page structure that is exposed to facilitate a user moving through individual pages in a web application.

When to Use

Navigation is a fundamental component of all web-based applications, and should always be used for multi-page applications. Navigation is also one of the single most important elements in determining the usability of your application. Before determining which navigation pattern to use for your application, carefully consider the information architecture of your site and determine how many navigation levels are needed for users to quickly and accurately find the application content needed for their current work context. In most cases, it is best to opt for a site navigation structure with fewer levels whenever possible, and in no cases should more than four levels of site navigation be exposed.

Techniques for Designing

After creating initial site design and prototypes, performing card sorting exercises with real users of the system can help to further clarify and organize the site using terminology and a structure that resonates with the end users.