Add Side Log to Multi Navigation Page

Note: The Allianz Design Standard states that the side log can only be present on application pages of five columns (818 pixels wide) or less. When adding a log to a six column page, follow the steps detailed in the Add Top Log topics.

To add a side log to a page with multi (top and side) navigation, locate the sideNav div:

Add the following HTML snippet immediately after the closing div tag of the topNav div:

When you have completed the previous step, your HTML code should look like the following:

Additional Notes

To customize your log, complete the following steps:

  1. Add additional list item (li) elements for each log option you'd like to expose.
  2. Replace the "appTab" placholder for each href attribute with the URL to the appropriate web page.
  3. Replace the placeholder "Step 1", "Step 2", etc. text with verbiage appropriate for your menu.
  4. Apply a class of "current" to the appropriate log option for your current page.